Shotaro Ishinimori 80th Anniversary Commemoration DVD: Robot 8 Chan DVD Box Revealed !!!!

     On the 80th Birthday celebration of the Tokusatsu series creator Shotaro Ishinimori this upcoming 2018,as he is the creator of Super Sentai and Kamen Rider series. For the 80th Birthday of Shotaro Ishinimori and commemorating his greatness. The following Tokusatsu series  will have a low priced DVDs.. Robot 8 Chan is previously aired on Fuji TV every Sundays from October,4,1981 to September,26,1982 with the total of 52 episodes and it is the first Toei Fushigi series aired together with Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan. The Robot 8 Chan DVD Box is composed from Episodes 1 to 52 which is worth ¥15000 to be released this January,10,2018. 
