Ultraman Geed: Tsunaguze! Negai !! Updates: Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final Revealed !!!! + Ultraman Orb Returns !!!!

       Here's another updates for the Ultraman Geed: Tsunaguze! Negai !! to be premier this March,10,2018. Here's the final form of Ultraman Geed on the upcoming movie which is called the Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final as he used the Giga Finalizer and Evolution Capsule.

        Gai Kurenai/Ultraman Orb returns to aid Riku Asakura/ Ultraman Geed, and the villain Jugras Juggler will also return as he team-up with the Ultra Heroes.

Ultraman Geed, Ultraman Orb and Jugras Juggler team-up to fight Kaijus.

       As  Ultraman Orb returns on this upcoming movie, he will change on different forms to fight the Kaijus, and the new villain revealed which is Giant Artificial Brain Gilbaris as he summons Galactrons to destroy earth. Stay tune for more updates !!!!.
