Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form and Momotaros Imagin PC Cushions Pics Revealed

         For the 10th anniversary of 2007-08  Kamen Rider Den-O series, here are some pics for the  Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form and Momotaros Imagin PC Cushions composed of the character itself and the keyboard plush toys from Premium Bandai featuring  Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form  and Momotaros Imagin .  Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form and Momotaros Imagin PC Cushions are worth ¥6264 to be released this January 2018.The so here are the following pics !!!!:

Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form PC Cushion set composed of  Plush Toy and Keyboard.


Momotaros Imagin PC Cushion set composed of  Plush Toy and Keyboard.
