Here's another updates for the Kamen Rider Build series. Here are the 30 forms of Kamen Rider Build that reminds me of different forms of Kamen Rider OOO.
Here is the new forms of Kamen Rider Build .The first one is Kiryuu Sento used the Lock Full Bottle and Dragon Full Bottle to transform into Kamen Rider Build Key Dragon.
Kamen Rider Build Key Dragon will used his left arm with a Key as his weapon with the strength of the Dragon.
The second form is when Kiryuu Sento used the Kaizoku Full Bottle and Densha Full Bottle to become Kamen Rider Build Kaizoku Ressha.
Kamen Rider Build Kaizoku Ressha will have a weapon called Kaizoku Hassher a bow that throw powerful trains.
Misora and Ryuuga will disguised as High School students , new Full Bottles the Octopus and Light and the new Smash to be appeared the Stretch Smash and Press Smash Hazard​. Stay tune for more updates.