Garo -Vanishing Line- Updates: Voice behind the main characters revealed !!!!

       Here's another updated for the upcoming Garo -Vanishing Line- to be premier this October 6 on TV Tokyo. So here are the following voice actors/ actress behind this new Anime series !!!!:

       Sword / Garo (Voiced by Tomokazu Seki) is a tough guy who is seeking for the mystery behind "Eldorad" keyword which is related to the Horrors in the city. 

        Sophie  (Voiced by Rie Kugimiya) is a girl who find his lost brother in the city after her parents died, as he meet Sword, she can search for clues more behind her missing brother .

     Gina Ami Koshimizu (Voiced by Rie Kugimiya) is a  mysterious who is know about the  childhood past of  Sword or Rook , and can attract  man on her charisma.

      Rook (Voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki ) is called the Rain Man because wherever he goes, he will  still receive a rain.This character is very silent and he used Rifle  to kill some Horros. Stay tune for more updates.
