Ultraman Geed Updates: Ultraman Zero Beyond and Ultraman Geed Royal Mega Master Revealed !!!!

       Here's another updates for the Ultraman Geed series. Here's the new form of Ultraman Zero called the Ultraman Zero Beyond  as he combined his henshin  device  Ultra Zero Eye Neo, the Geed Riser  and the Ultraman Ginga/Ultraman Orb Ultra Capsule and Ultraman X/Ultraman Victory Ultra Capsule  to obtain this form.

      Here's the new form of Ultraman Geed called the  Ultraman Geed Royal Mega  as  he used the  King Sword and used the Ultraman King Ultra Capsule and he will faced another Belial Fusion Monster the  Belial Chimeraberus  and  Ultraman Belial Atrocious . Stay tune for more updates. 
