Ultraman Geed and Ultra Heroes CD Revealed

      Here's the new Ultraman Geed and Ultra Heroes CD by Columbia Music composed of six tracks of your favorite Ultra Series themes songs from 1960's and 2010's , so here are the following tracks !!!!:

1. Ultraman Geed Opening theme'"GEED no Akashi" by Riku Asakura featuring Voyager.

2. Ultraman Zero: The Chronicle's Opening Theme' "GO AHEAD ~Susume! Ultraman Zero~" by Mizuki Ichiro featuring Voyager ver.).

3. Ultraman Orb Opening Theme' Orb no Inori by Ichiro Mizuki.

4. Ultraman X Opening Theme by Voyager.

5. Ultraman Opening theme by Misuzu Children's Choir.

6. Ultraseven Opening theme by The Echoes featuring Misuzu Children's Choral Group.

      The Ultraman Geed and Ultra Heroes CD is worth  ¥ 1,620 to be released this July 26.
