Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger Updates: DX Ushikai Kyutama and Otome Kyutama Revealed !!!!

       Here's another updates for the Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger series. Here's  the new DX Ushikai Kyutama and Otome Kyutama. This both set can attach on the Seiza Blaster and combine with KyuRenOh. So here are the pics !!!!:

        DX Ushikai or Boötes Kyutama is appeared on Kyuranger Episode 16 when Champ/Oushi Black uses this to increase his strength.

 DX Otome or Virgo Kyutama that enhance female abilities for the Kyurangers even males.

Each set is worth ¥ 756 to be both released this June 24.
