Here's another updates for the Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger series. Here's the Saiko Kyutama that combines the powers of nine Kyurangers that will used by Lucky/Shishi Red to become Shishi Red Orion, Saiko Kyutama can also used by the eight Kyurangers with their respective powers that represent on the lights and sounds of this item.

The new Cerberus Voyager will be appeared on the upcoming movie of Kyuranger with the help of Cerberus Voyager, Cerberus Voyager can breath ice, fire and lightning . The Cerberus Voyager can combine with Kajiki Voyager, Chameleon Voyager, Oushi Voyager and Hebitsukai Voyager on first mecha form, and can swipe either arm or leg , the other Voyagers can also combine with Cerberus Voyager to form a mecha. Stay tune for more updates.