Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger Updates: Kyuranger' finishers and new Kyutama (By BlueStriderRyu)

       Here's another updates for the Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger series. Here are the finisher attacks of each Kyurangers and they are: Shishi Red's Regulus Impact, Sasori Orange's Antares Impact, Ookami Blue's Lupus Impact, Tenbin Gold's Libra Impact, Oushi Black's Aldebaran Impact, Hebitsukai Silver's Ophiuchus Impact, Chameleon Green's Hamyleon Impact, Washi Pink's Altair Impact, Kajiki Yellow's Dorado Impact, Ryu Commander's  Drago Crush and Koguma Sky Blue's Koguma Rush. If the 11 Kyurangers combined their finishers it would become All Star Crush.

Here are the new Kyutamas would be appeared on the next episodes:

Kyutama # 15: Ushikai or Bootes Kyutama that enhances strength would be used by Champ. 

Kyutama # 16: Hebi or Serpens Kyutama that can summon snakes.

Kyutama # 29: Yagi or Capricornus Kyutama that can power up a Kyuranger.

Kyutama # 35 :  Ite or Sagittarius Kyutama  that allows powerful arrow shoots.

Kyutama # 44: Tobiuo or Volans Kyutama that allows a Kyuranger to enhance swimming skills.

Kyutama # 51: Otome  or Virgo Kyutama that unleashes the feminine abilities who used it.

Kyutama # 55: Koto or Lyra Kyutama  that can play music.

Kyutama # 58: Hato or Kyutama that can summon doves.

Kyutama # 86:Ho or Vela  Kyutama and the rest of two Kyutamas is the key to found the Argo Ship.

      The murder of Professor Anton who build Champ/Oushi Black is no other than Scorpio the elder brother of Stinger/ Sasori Orange because of the betrayal in the Jark Matter Organization. Stay tune for more updates. 
