Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger Updates: Shishi Red Orion, Saiko Kyutama and Ceruverus Voyager Revealed !!!! (By BlueStriderRyu and Hyperchrome)

      Here's another updates for the Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger series. Here's another form of Shishi Red which is called the  Shishi Red Orion is not ye confirmed if this will debut on the upcoming episodes or the movie to be premier this August 5. This is the first time a Red Ranger turned into a silver form. 

      Saiko Kyutama or the Kyutama # 315 is the new Kyutama which is as hug globe that seems to be a new powerful Kyutama. 

     The new Voyager appears which is the  Cerberus Voyager  that is not belong to 88 constellations however it will appear on the upcoming movie. Stay tune for more updates. 
