Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger Updates:More Ryu Commander and Koguma Sky Blue Pics (ByHyperchrome and BlueStriderRyu)

Here's another updates for the Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger series, as we featured more Ryu Commander and Koguma Sky Blue Pics as additional members of Kyurangers. So here are the pics !!!!:

Here's Ryu Commander with his henshin device and weapon Ryutsueder that has two modes the Rod and Rifle mode. The Ryutsueder has five functions which is transform, calling the Ryu Voyager, Combined into Ryuteioh, using the finisher and unleashing fighting techniques .

Koguma Sky Blue is the 11th and youngest Kyuranger who is super strong and he will used the Koguma Kyutama to change into Koguma SkyBlue. He can change in two forms the Koguma Sky Blue and Ohguma Sky Blue.