Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger Updates: Ryu Commander and Koguma Sky Blue Revealed !!!!(By Hyperchrome and BlueStriderRyu)

Here's another updates for the upcoming Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger to be premier this February 12. The 10th and 11th Kyuranger has been revealed !!! The 10th Kyuranger is Ryu Commander the violet ranger, his henshin device is called the Ryutsueder to transform into this form . Ryu Commander's identity is the Kyuranger's commander Sho Lonpo.
Ryu Commander's Kyutama is called the Rashinban Kyutama and his Mecha ship is called the Ryu Voyager .

The 11th Kyuranger is Koguma Sky Blue which is similar to Kyoryucyan which has two Voyagers the Koguma Voyager (Ursa Major) and Ohguma Voyager (Ursa Minor). Koguma Sky Blue's identity is not yet revealed. Stay tune for more updates.