Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger Updates: The Kyuranger' story and upcoming casts revealed !!! (By Hyperchrome and BlueStriderRyu)

     Here's another updates for the upcoming Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger to be premier this Fabruary,12,2017 after the conclusion of Dobutsu Sentai Zyuohger. The Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger are explorers of the galaxies in the future , who protect it against the oppressive Jark Matter. So here are the following casts for playing the Kyurangers: 

      The Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger are nine member the five of them are humans composed of Shishi Red,Chameleon Green, Hebitsukai Silver , Kajiki Yellow and Sasori Orange , and four of them are non-humas but specifically aliens and robots composed of  Ookami Blue, Oushi Black , Washi Pink and Tenbin Gold. So here are the following five Kyuranger casts: 

Lucky (Rakki)/ Shishi Red (Played by  Takumi Kizu) is a space adventurer who travel different planets around the galaxy. (Born 04/13/1997)

Hami/ Chameleon Green (Played by Sakurako Ookubo) is a Space Ninja that can able to unleash camouflage skills like a chameleon. (Born 07/20/1998)

Rei Naga/ Hebitsukai Silver (Played by Taiki Yamazaki) is came from an emotionless planet, this guy seems to be a silent type member of Kyurangers.  (Born 10/03/1995)

Spada/Kajiki Yellow (Played by Sakakibara Tetsuji) is a cook who wants to be the best in the universe on his specialty. (Born 12/06/1989)

Stinger/ Sasori Orange (Played by Yosuke Kishi) is a mysterious warrior that seems to have a dark pasts. (Born 07/02/1993)

And here are the non-human Kyurangers:

Garu/Ookami Blue is a half-werewolf that can able to change into a human.

Champ/Ouishi Black is a Robot Wrestler who receive championships in every battles.

Raptor 283/ Washi Pink is a female pilot android .

Balance/ Tenbin Gold is a Robot and a thief, there is an unknown reason why he joined the Kyurangers.

Stay tune for more updates. 
