Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Updates: Kamen Rider Genm Sports Action Gamer and Energy Power up Revealed !!! (By BlueStriderRyu)

Here's another updates for the upcoming Kamen Rider Ex-Aid to be premier this October 2. Here's Kamen Rider Genm using the Shakariki Sports Gashat  to upgrade into level 3 to become Kamen Rider Genm Sports Action Gamer Level 3. Kamen Rider Genm first appeared on Kamen Rider Ghost Episode 49 when he shows his Shakariki Sports Bike in defeating the Ganmas. 

Kamen Rider Genm Sports Action Gamer Level 3 finisher is called Shakariki Critical Strike when he unleash his bicycle' wheels in a long range attack.

The Kamen Riders' Ex-Aid, Brave, Snipe, and Genm will used this Energy Power-ups that will hidden inside the treasure chests, barrels and bricks, and these following power-ups are  Muscle, Jump, Shrink, Recovery, Speed, Confusion, Invisibility, Iron-Clad, Provoke, and Giant. Stay tune for more updates. 
