Here's another updates for the upcoming Kamen Rider Ex-Aid to be premier this October 2 after the conclusion of Kamen Rider Ghost. Now the upcoming Kamen Rider Ex-Aid characters would be included on the updated Kamen Rider Ganbarizing game this October 6.
Aside from Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Action Gamer his fellow riders Kamen Rider Brave Quest Gamer, Kamen Rider Snipe Shooter Gamer and Kamen Rider Genmu Action Gamer will be included on the updated Ganbarizing Game.
The DX Mighty Action X Gashat is required to activate the level-up Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Action Gamer from Level 1 to Level 2 .

The Ganbarizing card of Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Action Gamer Level 1 and Level 2
The new Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Action Gamer Level 2 Buttobasoul Medal showing with the Level 1 mask at his back.
Stay tune for more updates for the updates Kamen Rider Ganbarizing featuring Kamen Rider Ex-Aid.