TokuSpirits 2017 in Manila Revealed !!!! (By Guyferd20)

       After the successful TokuSpirits' first event that held last March 27 Sunday at The Party Place in San Fernando, Pampanga, Philippines, now its time for the next  TokuSpirits 2017 to be held in Manila, Philippines!!!. On the previous TokuSpirits event the four Super Sentai legends Ryosuke Kaizu (Takeru/Red Mask), Kei Shindachiya (Ken/Five Blue). Michiko Makino (Hikaru/Pink Five) and Kenta Satou (Riki/Red Turbo) are the guests on this event , and now we will see who is the next previous Super Sentai legend or maybe a Kamen Rider and Ultraman legend  would be the next guest to be featured on this event to be held next year in Manila. So stay tune for more updates about this second TokuSpirits event in Manila. 

Credits to Mr. Danny Torres, Mrs. Inaba and the rest of TokuSpirits staff.


Anonymous said…
This is very successful than Henshincon were organizers have attitude problem, so the Sentai Actors choose to reject them. So they are too BITTER, that they unable to continue the next one, they considered the premier of Ultraman Ginga S movie as the Henshincon although Tsuburaya does not recognized their stupidity.
TCP said…
I do apologize if you experienced that, just look forward for the announcement of Tokuspirits as they said within this year or the following year, they have two conventions that are successful, so we will gave you some updates regarding to the third event, we are just waiting for a signal from them.