Kamen Rider Ghost Series and Movie Updates: Ghost Mugen Damashii , Dark Ghost and Movie Damashii forms Revealed!!! (By Hyperchrome and BlueStriderRyu)

       Here's another updates for the Kamen Rider Ghost series  and the upcoming movie. Here's the first  pic were we see the confirmed pic of Kamen Rider Ghost final form Mugen Damashii which the full body color is crystal white , for me he looks like Kamen Rider Fourze on his appearance, in order to obtain this form he needs to get the Mugen Eyecon with the Infinity Symbol (∞) above. The second one is on the upcoming Summer Movie were Kamen Rider Ghost , Kamen Rider Specter and Kamen Rider Necrom will faced new enemy no other than Kamen Rider Dark Ghost the white colored Rider who used the Dark Ghost Eyecon to transform and using the Napoleon Eyecon the Blue Eyecon to change into Napoleon Damashii. Kamen Rider Dark Ghost' main objective is to steal the 15 Eyecons not only 15 but the total of 100 Eyecons in order to become entitled "Hero " and obtaining the Ultimate Eyecon. In order to counter attack Kamen Rider Dark Ghost , Takeru will used the Darwin  Eyecon to become Kamen Rider Ghost Darwin Damashii that will debut in the Summer Movie. So stay tune for some updates. 
