2016-17 Kamen Rider Rumors : Computer Game Motif

         Here's the first rumors for the upcoming Kamen Rider series for 2016-17 who will celebrate the 45th Anniversary of Kamen Rider series. So here are the following rumors: 

1. The motif for the next Kamen Rider would be On-line gaming, I think it is related to a Ganbarizing Game, On-line game on PC and Smart Phone, Arcade Game or a Gaming Console. 

2. This Kamen Rider can able to explore different kinds of Gaming Motif which he will encounter different monsters, this monsters can able to change the human world into their odd world.

3. The insect symbol for this upcoming Kamen Rider is a wasp.

4. This Kamen Rider will either called Kamen Rider Bank or Bank Form.

5. The upcoming Kamen Rider' Henshin Belt would be based on a Gaming Console.

6. ''OK!!! Ready!!! Subject!!!'' would be the Henshin tone while transforming.

7. This Kamen Rider will be appear on the upcoming Kamen Rider Ghost Movie.

    Stay tune for some updates for this upcoming Kamen Rider for 2016-17 that is possibly premier this month of October. This entry is just rumors for a meanwhile, all we need to do is to wait for the confirmed Kamen Rider name and the motif itself.


Mark said…
You are the first one to post this entry, well it only rumor but kindly interesting.
Unknown said…
If this rumor is real, It would be match with Zyuohger. Cube animals are looks like 8 bit game characters and Deathgalians are playing bloody game.