Dobutsu Sentai Zyuohger Updates: Sixth Ranger' Zyuoh The World Revealed + Additional Rumors (By BlueStriderRyu and Ryuuseisword)

       Here's another updates for the upcoming Dobutsu Sentai Zyuohger to be premier this February 14. The sixth Zyuohger has been revealed and he is Zyuoh The World   has three colors depends on the mode he used and they are orange for crocodile, black for rhinoceros and silver for wolf. Compare to Zyuoheagle which has two modes for changing into Zyuohgorilla, Zyuoh the world can change into three modes changing his helmets. Zyuoh The World's Henshin Device is called the Zyuoh The Light and his primary weapon is called the Zyuoh the GunRod which has two modes one is the Rod mode for melee range attack and Gun mode for long range attack. 

       Zyuoh The World has three Cube Animals and they are Cube Crocodile, Cube Rhino and Cube Wolf  that can combine into Tousai Zyuoh.  Zyuoh the World's Cube Crocodile, Cube Rhino and Cube Wolf  can combine with the Zyuohking and Zyuohwild as additional armaments. So stay tune for some updates.
