Ultraman X The Movie :Our Ultraman Updates: More Pics Revealed

       Here's another updates for the upcoming Ultraman X The Movie: Our Ultraman to be premier this March,12,2016.  Here some pics for this upcoming movie, the first one is the return of Ultra Heroes and they are Ultraman Nexus, Ultraman Max, Ultraman Tiga, Ultraman, Ultraman Zero, Ultraman Ginga S and Ultraman Victory. 

Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman will aid Ultraman X to fight against the powerful kaijins. 

New Kaijins to be faced by Ultraman  and the company.

         Through the help of Ultraman's Beta Capsule and Ultraman Tiga's Spark Lens , Daichi will received a new device called the Beta Spark to transform into Ultraman Exceed X Beta Spark Armor mode.

         Ultraman Exceed X Beta Spark, Ultraman and Ultraman Tiga is fighting against the powerful kaijin. So here's some pics and watch for some updates. 
