Shuriken Sentai Ninninger vs. ToQGer Updates: ToQ1Gou vs. Yami Akaninger and the Dobutsu Sentai Juuohger first cameo

          Here's another updates for the upcoming Shuriken Sentai Ninninger vs. ToQGer to be premier this January,23,2016. Here's some pics for the fight between ToQ1Gou and Yami Akaninger, Dark Doctor Maburo , Yokai Ressha and the return of the Shadow Line Officials.

         The other one is the first cameo of Dobutsu Sentai Juuohger on the Shuriken Sentai Ninninger vs. ToQGer , their purpose is to fight and aid the two Super Sentai teams to confront their other nemesis.

         The Juuohger will show their fighting styles and weapons in front of Yokai Ressha, I'm excited for their cameo on how they fight wildly. So watch for some updates.
