Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Updates: Three Akaningers +Complete Kibaoni Gengetsu's Official Revealed!!!

          Here's another updates for the Shuriken Sentai Ninninger series. The Akaningers will turn into three on this series coming January, that includes Tsumuji/Akaninger with black and gold scarf and Yoshitaka/ Akaninger with silver and red scarf, that means a trio Akaninger will debut to fight the new nemesis. The new nemesis is the return of Gabi Raizou which is more stronger when he unleash a pink aura and the main villain no other than Kibaoni Gengetsu, now the five Kibaoini officials are already completed.

            Now Kibaoni Gengetsu is unsealed he will confronted by the last ninja Yoshitaka, Gabi Raizou show his strongest form , and the assemble of 8 Ninningers that includes two Akaningers.

         Akaninger will faced Izayoi Kyuemon, Aoninger Chouzetsu and Super Starninger will faced Tsugomi and the sword formation attack of the Ninningers. So watch for some updates.
