2016-2017 Dobutsu Sentai Juuohger Revealed!!!!!! (By RCubed, Guyferd20 and BlueStriderRyu)

         The long await is over!!!!!, here's the upcoming 2016-2017 Super Sentai series who will celebrate it's 40th Anniversary the Dobutsu Sentai Juuohger!!!. Their cube sized henshin device are called the Juuohger Changer.

             The Starting Line-ups are JuuohEagle (Red- Male), JuuohShark (Blue-Female), JuuohLion (Yellow-Male), JuuohElephant (Green-Male) and JuuohTiger (White-Female). This is the first Starting Line-up created by Toei. This is the first Blue Female Ranger , Second Yellow Male Ranger after Ninninger's  Kininger and Second White Female Ranger after Ninninger's Shironinger. Their suits is really simple from the animal icons from their chests and their helmets. Their gloves reminds me of 1998-99 Seiju Sentai Gingaman.

The Juuohgers have the Juuoh Cubes change into animals just like JuuohEagle's Cube Eagle .

Here are the Juuohcubes in animal moce from Cube Eagle, Cube Lion, Cube Shark, Cube Elephant and Cube Tiger. It also includes some two armament who will debut on this upcoming series such as Cube Hyena and Cube Gorilla.

These JuuohCubes from animal mode turned into cube mode with their respective numbers from 1- Cube Eagle, 2- Cube Shark and 3- Cube Lion.

 JuuohEagle's Cube Eagle, JuuohShark's Cube Shark and JuuohLion's Cube Lion combined into JuuohKing as the primary robot, but soon the mecha combination of JuuohElephant's Cube Elephant and JuuohTiger's Cube Tiger . So watch for some updates.
