KAMEN RIDER GIRLS : NEXT STAGE Album Cover Revealed!!!

          Here's the new album of KAMEN RIDER GIRLS  entitled NEXT STAGE to be released on both CD Package and CD+DVD Package this January,13,2016.The  CD Package (¥1,300)  is composed of 6 songs,so here are the following tracks:

1. Next stage
2. Girls be Ambitious
4.  Next stage (Instrumental Version)
5.  Girls be Ambitious (Instrumental Version)
6.  UNLIMITED DRIVE (Instrumental Version)

          The CD + DVD Pack (¥ 2,200)  is composed of 6 Tracks on CD and 3 Videos on DVD. So here are the three videos on the DVD :

1. Girls be Ambitious MV
2. Next stage MV
3. 20 Minutes of  Behind the Scenes
