Toku-Similarities # 41: Super Sentai Duos

           The Gouraigers' Ikkou Kasumi/Kabutoraiger and Isshu Kasumi/KuwagaRaiger are former students of Ikazuchi Academy before it destroyed by Jakanja because of their father. The Gouraigers joined the Jakanja army to help invading the earth and also destroyed Hurricangers until they realized their wrongdoings being ninjas, so later they joined with the Hurricangers and fight Jakanja.

      Go-on Wings are composed of two siblings Hiroto/Go-on Gold and Miu/Go-on Silver who have mental telepathy and great fighting skills. Together with their Engine partners Toriptor, Jetras and Jumbowhale , the Go-on wings formed a mecha called Seiku-Oh the to fight against the Gaiark.Later they joined the Go-onger when they formed a mecha called the Engine G9 and Engine G12.

        The similarities between the two is having their own Super Sentai names who are both duos that later joined with the three or five member Super Sentai group.
