Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Updates: Gekiatsu Dai-Oh Appears (By Hyperchrome)

         Here's another updates for the Shuriken Sentai Ninninger series. Here's the Ninninger's Final Mecha called the Gekiatsu Dai-Oh were the six piece mecha is a fusioned vehicles and mystical animals to be debut this Episode 32 fighting against Mecha Yokai Karakuri Kyubi.

Here are the six Otomo Nins to combined into Gekiatsu Dai-Oh (From Left to Right):

Shironinger's  Byakkomaru (White Tiger)
Momoninger's Pandamaru (Panda)
Starninger's Magoimaru (Fish)
Aoninger's  Seiryumaru (Blue Dragon)
Kininger's Genbumaru (Turtle)
Akaninger's  Hoohmaru (Phoenix)

      Here's Gekiatsu Dai-Oh's main finisher were it unleashed the Ninningers inside the cockpit to perform their team finisher against Mecha Yokai Karakuri Kyubi similar to unleashing a powerful cannon. 

By Hyperchrome
