Kamen Rider Ghost Updates: Kamen Rider Ghost Robin Damashii Revealed (By Ryuuseisword and BlueStriderRyu)

            Here's another updates for the upcoming Kamen Rider Ghost to be premier this October 4. Here's the new Damashii form of Kamen Rider Ghost called Robin Damashii which is based on the legendary archer Robin Hood.

Here's the  Robin Hood Eyecon 03  with three symbols the arrow ,Robin Hood and 03.

          Here's the Condor Denwa rotary dial phone that can combine with GanGan Saber to become a powerful bow of Kamen Rider Ghost Robin Damashii.

          Kamen Rider Ghost Robin Damashii's special ability is to make duplicate illusions to confused the Ganma and perform a powerful long range attack with his bow.

By Ryuuseisword and BlueStriderRyu


Unknown said…
*Sings for no reason* Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, lalalala!!!

Great job guys, looking forward to the hype!