Kamen Rider Ghost Updates: Ghost's Tamashi Forms and Eyecons Revealed (By Ryuuseisword and BlueStriderRyu)

        Here's another updates for the upcoming Kamen Rider Ghost series to be premier this October 4 after the conclusion of Kamen Rider Drive. Here' s the pic of the primary form of Kamen Rider Ghost called the Ore Tamashii.

          The other yellow form is called the   Kamen Rider Ghost Edison Tamashii using the Edison Ghost Eyecon that seems to be an electric type.

         The other one is the  Kamen Rider Ghost Robin Tamashii when he used the Robin Ghost Eyecon. Here's some pics of Blurred Copy of Kamen Rider Ghost Official Poster with his three forms , The DX Ghost Eyecon and a Ganbarizing Card. So watch for some updates.
