Ultraman X Updates: Mons-Armor and the XiO Team

          Here's another updates for the upcoming Ultraman X  to be premier this July 14.The new motif of this series is all about cards.

Cyber Monsters are created by XiO for research,all of this kaijus were upgraded, but what happened?

         Ultraman X used the Cyber Kaiju Cards scanning in his X-Devicer to unleashed powerful armor and weapon called the Mons-Armor . The pic below is when Ultraman X used the Cyber Gomora as his Mons-Armor.

        Here are the members of XiO or also called the “Xeno Invasion Outcutters“ and they are (from left to right) :

  1. Communication Operator Takeru Yamagishi
  2. Silent Sharpshooter Wataru Kazama 
  3. Vice Captain Sayuri Tachibana
  4. Captain Shotaro Kamiki
  5. Daichi Ozora (Ultraman X)
  6. Combat Expert Asuna Yamase
  7. Daichi's rival Hayato Kishima
  8. Chiaki Matsumoto
  9. Alien Professor Guruman from planet Fanton
