Shuriken Sentai Ninninger THE MOVIE: The Dinosaur Lord’s Splendid Ninja Scroll! Updates: Shurikenjin Dino Revealed ( By Ryuuseisword and BlueStriderRyu)

        Here's another updates for the upcoming Shuriken Sentai Ninninger THE MOVIE: The Dinosaur Lord’s Splendid Ninja Scroll! to be premier this August 8. Here's the new armament and Otomo Nin called Dino Maru who has two modes the T-Rex Mode and the Mecha Mode with Dual Blasters on his shoulder.

             Dinomaru would be combined with Shurikenjin to become Shurikenjin Dino which has drills and a shovel like weapon to fight against  Juuza Yumihari .So watch for some updates.

 By Ryuuseisword and BlueStriderRyu
