Ultraman X Updates: About Ultraman X, XiO and Cyber Kaiju Cards


          Here's another updates for the upcoming Ultraman X to be debut on Shin Ultraman Retsuden this July 14.

Daichi is the new host of Ultraman X and he will used the X-Devisor to transform into Ultraman X.

         The pic shows the fighting scenes of Ultraman X against the powerful Cyber Kaijins. Ultraman X's finisher is called the  Xanedium Kousen .

Here's the pic of the  Xio team that composed of eight members with a kaijin assistant.

The XiO Headquarters is a X shaped secret base.

           The XiO Team have its three SUV Vehicles that can combine with other vehicles such as the giant ones.

              The XiO SUV Vehicles can combined with the powerful vehicles (from left to right) such as the XiO Portos to become Land Musketeer,  Xio Aramis to become Space Musketeer and  Xio Athos to become Sky Musketeer.

              Ultraman X's powerful item is called the  Cyber Kaiju Cards as he scans on his X-Devisor to become his powerful armors. The kaijin on this pic is Cyber Gomora

          Ultraman X changed himself when he scans the Cyber Gomora Card to become Ultraman X Gomora Armor.

          Ultraman X changed himself when he scans the Cyber Eleking Card to become Ultraman X Eleking Armor
