Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Updates: Silhouette Image of AkaNinger Chouzetsu, Dinomaru and Lion Ha-Oh (By Ryuuseisword and BlueStriderRyu)

                Here's another updates for the Shuriken Sentai Ninninger series. Here's the Silhouette Image of Akaninger Chouzetsu, Dinomaru and Lion Ha-Oh to be debut this month of July. Akaninger will attain a new upgrading device called Shoubu Chouzetsu Changer to upgrade himself into Akaninger Chouzetsu and he also get a new mecha  Lion Ha-Oh. The other silhouette image is the combination of Lion Ha-Oh and Shurikenjin to be debut on the upcoming Shuriken Sentai Ninninger THE MOVIE: The Dinosaur Lord’s Splendid Ninja Scroll! to be premier this August 8.

By Ryuuseisword and BlueStriderRy
