Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Updates: Akaninger Chouzetsu, DinoMaru and Lion Ha-Oh Revealed

          Here's another updates for the Shuriken Sentai Ninninger series. Akaninger would have an upgrade henshin device called the Shoubu Chouzetsu Changer to change himself into AkaNinger Chouzetsu ( It is similar to KyoryuRed Carnival and Hyper ToQ1Gou). The Shoubu Chouzetsu Changer can attach in the Ninja Ichibantou to upgrade into  Ichiban Shoubu Gatana. The other one is the new Otomo Nin called Dinomaru  which has a Drill Tail , This Armament combined with Shurikenjin to become Shurikenjin Dino to be appear on the upcoming movie of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger.

         The Ninninger's new mecha called the Lion Ha-Oh a Lion Mecha in a Castle Form which has two modes to be piloted by AkaNinger Chouzetsu. The Lion Ha-Oh can  combine with Shurikenjin and Bison King to become Ha-Oh Shurikenjin.  Ha-Oh Shurikenjin combines when Shurikenhin sits in front of Lion Ha-Oh and the Bison Kings would be his weapons.
