Superhero Taisen GP Updates: Shurikenjin Tridoron and the Heisei Kamen Rider Race Competition

             Here's another updates for the upcoming Superhero Taisen GP:Kamen Rider 3Gou to be premier this Saturday March 21. Here's the confirmed pic of  Shurikenjin Tridoron  the new Shurikenjin's armament in the movie.With the help of Tridoron Otomo Nin Shuriken that summons Tridoronmaru and combined with Shurikenjin to become Shurikenjin Tridoron.

        Kamen Rider Drive will join the Ninningers to fight the Rider Robo.Kamen rdier Drive have his own Robot controls.

Kamen Rider Drive Type Formula preparing for the race.

The race track for the Rider Grand Prix.

Kamen Rider Drive Type Formula  preparing for the race.

          The Heisei Riders are all ready. there are only four cars in the race,there are Black RX's Rideron,W's Revol Garry,Drive's Tridoron and 3Gou's Tricyclone.

Showdown between Drive's Tridoron and  Black RX's Rideron.

3Gou's Tricyclone against W's Revol Garry.

Kamen Rider mach using the Stop Signal bike to go first.

Tridoron was trapped by Kamen RiderWizard's chain.

Kamen Rider Kabuto fighting against Kamen Rider 555 Axel Form during the race.

Kamen Rider Drive trying the Ride Boosters on his Tridoron to speed up.
