Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Updates:Bison King and Surfer Maru Revealed

          Here's some updates for the upcoming Shuriken Sentai Ninninger to be premier this February,22,2015 after the conclusion of Ressha Sentai ToQGer next week. Starninger have two Otomo Nin Shurikens which is Bison King Buggy and  Rodeomaru to combine into Bison King his personal mecha. When Shurikenjin and Bison King combines it turns into King Shurikenjin.

         The another one is the third armament for Shurikenjin which is called the Surfermaru the submarine and surfboard in one. Surfermaru can combined with Shurikenjin to become Shurikenjin Surfer and Bison King to become Bison King Surfer


Unknown said…
The Green Elephant Ninjazord could be used to represent Power Rangers Jungle Fury, The Cyan Space ( UFO ) Ninjazord could be used to represent Power Rangers In Space and The Purple Shark Sub Ninjazord could be used to represent Power Rangers R.P.M.just like the Turbo Falcon Zord/Megazord. That is, if Saban will Americanize Shuriken Sentai Ninninger into something like Power Rangers Ninja Charge. And I don't know what to expect in an Orange colored Ninjazord, but I'm hoping for another Dinozord.