Ressha Sentai ToQGer Updates: ToQGer Full Names based on Episode 23 (By RCubed)

        Here's the review from a friend of mine RCubed about the full names of the ToQGers as he read it on Japanese.ToQgers' full names (based on episode 23)... now I already know... the festival lanterns that was on a flashback was never shown in the series... I just found this on a blog and found their full names on wiki, so here are the following:

Right - Raito Asano (浅野来斗)

Tokacchi = Katsu Tokashiki (渡嘉敷 勝) -His name is the combination of 'toka' and 'kacchi' (alternative reading of 'katsu')...

Mio = Mio Natsume (夏目美緒) - it seems that Mio's Father is a police if you remember episode 12?

Hikari- Hikari Nonomura (野々村 洸)

Kagura - Kagura Izumi (泉 神楽)
