Toku-Timeline : 1954

           Here's my new special entry Toku Timeline were we review all Tokusatsu series aired per year from 1954 onwards.The 1950's are the start of the theme "Tokusatsu" on the Series,TV Specials and  Movies which is all related to Special Effects,Super Heroes and Science Fiction. Now the Tokusatsu era is already 50 years or getting a half of the century. Now let's review these Tokusatsu movies that started the era which is 1954.

         Godzilla or also called Gojira is the first Tokusatsu movie in a Kaiju theme premiered  on Wednesday November, 3, 1954 created by Toho Productions.Godzilla is a prehistoric monster summoned through the nuclear tests in the Pacific area.This Kaiju movie gives the foundation of creating kaiju movies,Ultraman and various Tokusatsu movies by now.

         Tomei Ningen is a Japanese Action and Horror movie produced by Toho Productions .It is premiered on Wednesday December, 29,1954. This movie is based on 1897 Science Fiction Novel The Invisible Man.The story is all about the Clown and the Circus gang have the power to become invisible fighting against the Criminal Gang who also have the Invisible power to create chaos. Eiji Tsuburaya (The Creator of Ultraman) create some special effects on the movie.
