Kamen Rider Gaim Updates: Kiwami Arms can used Armored Rider Weapons and Kamen Rider Kamuro Silver Apple Arms

       Here's another updates for Kamen Rider Gaim and its latest movie Kamen Rider Gaim The Movie: The Great Soccer Tournament for the Golden Fruit premiering this July 19. Kamen Rider Gaim Kiwami Arms can used different Armored Riders Special Weapons from  Mango, Kiwi,Walnut ,Melon and Banana Arms. The Gaim Kiwami Arms can control different powers of Armored Riders. 

      The next one is the movie character Lapis who transform himself into Kamen Rider Kamuro Silver Arms with the used of Silver Apple Lock Seed.The left side is Black Gaim who used the Black Lemon Energy and Black Orange Lock Seed.


TCP said…
Sorry for that, I've confused between the previous one and the confirmed one.