Ressha Sentai ToQGer: Updates: New Armaments and Mechas revealed

Here's some updates for the Ressha Sentai ToQGer's ToQ6Gou and his Ressha together with  Movie Special Ressha and Mecha.

        ToQ6Gou's Ressha  is called the Build Ressha that can change itself into Build Dai Oh.The mecha looks like a construction type of train.


         The next one is the new mecha which is exclusive only in the movie of Ressha Sentai ToQGer.It is called SafariGaOh,It is the combination of 3 animal Resshas.

          Another one is the Dai Kaiten Cannon that can rotate depends on the ToQGer who want to attack. This is combined with different Resshas inserted on this Cannon.

Another one is the Ressha Versions from previous Super Sentai Series ,when the head is based on the primary mecha. Here's Go-Onger Ressha.

Shinkenger Ressha

Goseiger Ressha

Gokaiger Ressha
