Joshies First Trailer (Super Sentai Parody)

After Kampai Senshi After V ,another Super Sentai Parody composed of five women chosen by the commander to fight against evil, and they are called Joshies. Here's the color line-up of the Women Sentai Joshies:

Naoko Akagi / Red Joshie played by Mirei Kiritani 

Mika Ao / Blue Joshie  played by Mina Fuji 

 Yuri Kikawada / Yellow Joshie played by Mitsuki Takahata

Kano Midoriyama / Green Joshie played by Kasumi Arimura

Sumire Konno / Navy Joshie played by Mizuki Yamamoto

Joshies premiers June, 7, 2014.


Gilbert said…
Is this also a porn-like parody?
Anonymous said…
Maybe the bikini attire is their upgrade form