Juuden Sentai Kyoryuger: 100 YEARS AFTER New Promo

        Here's the new promo of Juuden Sentai Kyoryuger: 100 YEARS AFTER  featuring Haruka Tomatsu  as the narrator and the boss of the new Kyoryugers.After 100 years (Year 2114) the Kyoryugers were formed through Canderrilla as the new boss with her assistant  Luckyuro who give them Gaburevolver. The descendants are Daigo's descendant Dai (KyoryuNavy), Ian's descendant Icchan (KyoryuSilver), Nobuharo's descendant  Nobuta (KyoryuBlue), Souji's descendant Soujiro (KyoryuGrey), Amy's descendant Ami (KyoryuCyan) and Utsusemimaru's descendant Ooppy (KyoryuViolet).Juuden Sentai Kyoryuger: 100 YEARS AFTER premiers June 30.
