About Ran Takamine ( Madoka Sugi) of Hono no Chojin Megaloman

         As I remember reading an article on the defunct Japan Hero site about Megaloman.I'm just stunned from a babe who wear only a gymnastic suit. This series is Hono no Chojin Megaloman created by Toho.She is Madoka Sugi who played her role in this series as Ran Takamine, a member of Space Kung-Fu who fight against Evil Aliens,and also an ally of Megaloman.So enjoy this Tokuheroine on her moves and also some pics from the Megaloman series.


Anonymous said…
Which episode is the one where she has fainted?
ronin195 said…
Her real name is Minako Sugimoto, she started to study ballet when she was a child, that’s why she moved so smoothly.
She lost her husband, a producer and guitarist, in 2009. Now she has her own ballet school