My Blog's objectives is to give some informations about Tokusatsu nowadays and bash all American Bootlegs who ruin Super Sentai and other Tokusatsu genre. Well there is no Super Sentai Fantards it's just to rip-off from the trending word Bootleg Fantards (Enough of corny jokes).It's a battle between Super Sentai Purist and Power Ranger Bootleg Fantards,but the worse is there is Bootleg Fantard' underdogs who are totally coward to confront them instead of confronting them straightly.There are in the middle of the battle who are like rag clothes to stomp,squeeze and put down the trash.Well there are neutral wannabes but a Underdog coward who please bout purists and bootlegs.Well I have a name for them ,there are "Bootlegs' retardogs" just like caring a wild stray dog.

Do I really heard about Super Sentai Purists really hate Kamen Rider? I think not!.Never used Kamen Rider genre as a scape goat for the real argument.Well the Super Sentai fans who are also loved Kamen Rider and really hate American Bootlegs just like the lame 90's series Masked Rider,2000's Kamen Rider? Dragon Knight and the Bootleg trash Power Rangers franchise.

Gokaiger vs. Samurai is really impressive and a nice work for the guy who made it.It's really sad that International Fans called Super Sentai as Power Rangers for creating Stupid Image of Japanese Group Superheroes.If Power Rangers include in the SUper Hero Taisen?It would be a big disaster,just like Enter throwing a Vagrass Card to all Super Sentai Henshin Device.