Family TV Programming # 25:Killed with their own Stupidity (Mainstream Slaves)

         I just heard about the name of the song  from a radio that considered a controversial one which is connected to the Connecticut Shootout.When I reviewed the lyrics ,I found out that STUPIDITY can KILL YOURSELF is the big message of this song.It's not connected to the shootout a year ago,but Youngsters killing themselves due to stress from family,classmates,peers and the online community.Instead of facing this kind of challenge they preferred to kill themselves or somebody who pressured them.

        Just look about the lyrics that contains deviant manners of a youngster to the worst level.This is the worst thing about Mainstream or also we called American Superiority Mentality (For Example COPY the US scenarios then PASTE to our country to be IN in their Stupid Mainstream Campaign world wide).I'm sorry for those poor youngster that didn't guide to much by their guardians.So what do you think?Pinoys are also do the same thing??
