Toku-Similarities # 20: Kaijin Mechas Part 2

Here's the continuation of Toku-Similarities featuring Kaijin Mechas.Here's the similarities between Bioman and Go-Busters:

        In the Choudenshi Bioman series they featured five Beastnoids which is Psygorn (The Psychic),Metzler (The Spy),MesserBeast (The Flyer),Aquaiger ( The Monstrous fish) and Beastking ( Monster/ Fargo Assistant) as the monsters of the week in normal battle,but can you count how many times  Bioman confronted this five Beastnoids and who is the most beaten. Mecha Gigans is the Giant Kaijin Mechas of the week confronted by Bio Robo .

        Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters villains of the week are two types: Metaroids who are created by Enter and Escape from different materials with the help of Metavirus card to install the virus,They are confronted by the Go-Busters by a normal battle.And another one are the Megazords were created as the Giant copies of Metaroids in 3 categories the Alpha,Beta and Gamma,They are confronted by Go-Buster's mechas.

        The similarities between the two is they're featured unpiloted Mecha type Kaijins together with the normal form Kaijins every week.Later in the series they featured Powerful Kaijin Mechas piloted by the main villains of the series.
