Super Sentai Rumors for 2014-2015: Rescue theme

             Another rumors spread for the 2014-2015,as you remember the previous one Senkan Sentai Gounova a battleship motif ,now another Rescue theme created after Kyu Kyu Sentai Go Go Five.The rumored next Super Sentai series is called Tokubou Sentai Kyuumeiger .The series contains no main or single villains,group of 9 members divided into different fields of specialization,that reminds me Gransazers.So what can you say about the latest rumor?I think it is still five warriors composed of 3 male and 2 female.If they do this division of team particularly if its trio-tag ,maybe it could be possible to create this either in 2017 or 2018 future Super Sentai series.


Anonymous said…
It's still another five warriors including 2 babes.That's the traditional way since 2000's.
Anonymous said…
Sana naman NINJA!!!