KyoryuRed Carnival's Armaments revealed

           Here's the armaments of  KyoryuRed Carnival after he used the upgraded mode last Sunday.He can attach some Juudenryus on his arms just for example  Stegotchi and Dricera attach with him to create a special techniques same to their mecha Kyoryujin.

Here's the KyoryuRed Western  Carnival when he attached Parasagun and Zakutor arms and Macho Carnival when he attached Ankydon and Dricera arms.

And the last one KyoryuRed Kung-Fu Carnival the combination of Ankydon and Bunpachy arm.

         His finisher is called Juuden Carnival Finish.It's been a decade after Abaranger's AbareMax and now KyoryuRed attains the Upgrade form for himself.I'm just thinking if the 2014 continues this kind of Upgraded form or else five or six of them.
