20 years of Rebooting Japanese Super Sentai

          It's 20 years of rebooting Super Sentai from Zyuranger to Goseiger and now Gokaiger.For almost 2 decades they didn't learn to create something new  and Original American made Tokusatsu series.You can prove to yourself that all of the rip-off series is worst and its better to watch as fan made video created in Youtube.

           This preview for their anniversary series sucks,it's just like campaigning for break dancing or a hip hop showdown or maybe a flip top.It's a big shame for them and their scared enough to compete with international shows greater than them,and that's why they called this secret formula "Adaptation" but specifically a "RIP-OFF","BOOTLEG" or else 'XEROX".


Paul Sean said…
I'm grown up watching PR during my childhood until I realized there's an origin from the Japanese.Until I find PR is totally piece of trash.I'm from the US but I know your sentiments dude.