Toku Clarifications #10 : Is it Robo Knight? Robo Cop ? or Gosei Knight

      Tell me who the hell is Robo Knight?.Well Saban is getting an extra effort for creating another shit and a concrete evidence for a rip-off series.I'm just being laughed for saying he is a Gosei,if the vocabulary word is not belong to the English Dictionary.Well Gosei came fro the Japanese word meaning " Five Star" .The voice of Robo Knight is the same as Robocop being reincarnated from another cyborg.Nice try Saban ....he can easily define as a certified copycat of Gosei Knight and Robo Cop.Try to watch Goseiger episode 18 and you can identify the difference between the two.

I can't post the Gosei Knight's Debut due to freaking copyright infringements complained by Toei.But here's the original version were Robo Knight's pick-up lines including his accent totally rip-off.

The one word for Gosei Knight against this Robo Knight or a Robo Cop wannabe shit.
